Nebraska Water Science Center

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Nebraska Water Science Center Webcams
412126095565201 Missouri River at NP Dodge Park at Omaha

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NP Dodge

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This webcam is located at the USGS water-quality station on the Missouri River at NP Dodge Park at Omaha, Nebraska. This station is operated in cooperation with the City of Omaha and provides continuous monitoring of water properties of the river: temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. The webcam provides valuable information to the National Weather Service, first-responders, and area residents to evaluate real-time conditions of the river. The visual record of river conditions also provides valuable research data for the USGS.

Our thanks to City of Omaha Parks, Recreation & Public Property for their support in the location of this webcam.

Current conditions at Missouri River at NP Dodge Park at Omaha, NE

Water temperature
Specific conductance
Dissolved oxygen

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 18-Mar-2015 07:47:14 EDT