USGS:  Science for a changing world

Basin-Level Habitat Characteristics of Selected Streams in Central Nebraska

By Ronald B. Zelt
The goal of stream habitat characterization is to use identified relations between habitat and other physical, chemical, or biological factors in interpreting water-quality conditions. Basin-level characterization of habitat is one component of the spatially hierarchical approach to stream habitat description adopted by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program. The Central Nebraska Basins study unit is about 78,000 km² in area and includes the Loup and Elkhorn River Basins as well as basins of smaller tributaries to the Platte River. Stream-basin habitat characteristics associated with nine fixed-sampling stations were computed from conventional and digital map data. Geographic information systems software was the principal analytical tool used. Basin characterizations generally were limited to only that part of each stream basin contained within the study unit. Habitat characteristics analyzed included basin size and shape, elevation, relief, drainage network characteristics, geology, physiography, soils, land use and cover, climate, runoff, and streamflow characteristics. The report presents a tabular summary of the basin-level habitat characteristics determined for the nine selected stream basins.

DESCRIPTORS: Basins, Habitats, Characteristics, Platte River, Nebraska

R.B. Zelt, 1996, Basin-level habitat characteristics of selected streams in Central Nebraska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-36, 25 p..

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