USGS:  Science for a changing world

Isopachs of Quaternary Deposits, Fremont 1- by 2-degree Quadrangle and Part of Omaha Quadrangle, Nebraska, Digitized from a Published 1:250,000-Scale Geologic Map

By Ronald B. Zelt and Erik J. Patton
A geologic map showing the isopachs of quaternary deposits in the Fremont and part of the Omaha, Nebraska, 1- by 2-degree quadrangles was published at a scale of 1:250,000 in 1975 (Burchett and others, 1975). This report describes the conversion of the quaternary thickness data into a digital geographic data set. A film separation of the published isopachs was scan-digitized and processed to produce digital geographic data. Geographic feature attributes and data-set documentation also are included in the digital data set. The digital geographic data are formatted for distribution in accordance with the Spatial Data Transfer Standard approved by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology.

DESCRIPTORS: Geology, Quaternary, Nebraska

Zelt, R.B., and Patton, E.J., 1995, Isopachs of Quaternary Deposits, Fremont 1- by 2-degree Quadrangle and Part of Omaha Quadrangle, Nebraska, Digitized from a Published 1:250,000-Scale Geologic Map: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-721, diskette.

For additional information              Copies of the report can be
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District Chief                          U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Geological Survey, WRD             Earth Science Information Center
406 Federal Building                    Open-File Reports Section
100 Centennial Mall, North              Box 25286, MS 517
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508                 Denver Federal Center
                                        Denver, CO 80225

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E-mail comments or questions to Ron Zelt, Central Nebraska Basins project chief

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