[an error occurred while processing this directive] Stamer, J.K. Journal American Water Works Association

USGS:  Science for a changing world www.usgs.gov ne.water.usgs.gov

Water supply implications of herbicide sampling

John K. Stamer
Journal American Water Works Association, v. 88, no. 2, p. 76-85.

The temporal distribution of the herbicides alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine, and metolachlor was documented from September 1991 through August 1992 in the Platte River at Louisville, Neb., the drainage of the Central Nebraska Basins. Lincoln, Omaha, and other municipalities withdraw groundwater for public supplies from the adjacent alluvium, which is hydraulically connected to the Platte River. Data were collected, in part, to provide information to managers, planners, and public utilities on the likelihood of water supplies being adversely affected by these herbicides. Three computational procedures- monthly means, monthly subsampling, and quarterly subsampling- were used to calculate annual mean herbicide concentrations. When the sampling was conducted quarterly rather than monthly, alachlor and atrazine concentrations were more likely to exceed their respective maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) of 2.0 µg/L and 3.0 µg/L, and cyanazine concentrations were more likely to exceed the health advisory level of 1.0 µg/L. The US Environmental Protection Agency has established a tentative MCL of 1.0 µg/L for cyanazine; data indicate that cyanazine is likely to exceed this level under most hydrologic conditions.

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